Traditional TV broadcasting implies one-way, one-to-many transmission of information, but combining television and video images with the Internet opens up the possibility of a much more interactive experience where information flows in both directions. We are already used to TV talent shows where people phone in to vote for their favorite performers, but in a future where TV programs are delivered online, we can expect much more participation in the programs we watch. Instead of TV presenters speaking to a live audience of a few hundred people in a studio, they will speak to a live audience of thousands or millions of viewers who can send instant feedback. We will be able to ask questions and have the presenter answer them minutes later! Or maybe we will vote on how we want TV series to play out, with multiple endings filmed in advance and different endings shown to different viewers!
All three forms of IPTV can work using your computer and an ordinary web browser or (for much better quality) a set-top box and an ordinary digital TV. All three can be transmitted over the public Internet or over a managed, private network that works in basically the same way (for example, from your phone and your Internet service provider to your home entirely over the provider’s network).
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